Elemental Healing
Harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit

Services And Rates

Regular, consistent massage helps keep the body moving with minimum pain.

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual technique that include fixed or movable pressure, holding, and stretching techniques. Massage is beneficial for stress reduction, relief from muscle tension, pain, or spasm, and increases circulation and energy. Tools (ie. hot stones, cups, hot towels, rollers, scrapers) may be used in addition to treatment if necessary and following consult with the therapist. Treatment plans will be discussed in advance and must be agreed to prior to therapy. Exercises and self-care techniques will be discussed following each session for maintenance between sessions.

Swedish Massage is a great massage for stress management, anxiety, relaxation, and tired muscles. 

My Customized Therapeutic Massage is your best choice to address pain management and/or improvement of movement. This service includes a 15-30 min assessment within your time slot. Modalities for this massage may include techniques from Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, and Thai Massage. I may use tools (with discussion and consent) such as vacuum cups, silicone cups, and hot stones.

Stress can be held in the jaw, neck, and shoulders. This can cause trigger points to form resulting in pain, headaches, and migraines. If you clench your teeth or grind your teeth at night TMJ massage is perfect for you. By releasing trigger points in the face and within the mouth it can help relieve those stubborn headaches and neck tension. Gloves are worn and because I also include shoulder and back massage, it is a 90 min service. This service is not available for first time clients. 

The lymphatic system is directly related to the immune system. It works through muscle movement with our joints acting as manual pumps to encourage lymph flow through our lymphatic vessels towards the lymph nodes. When our lymph nodes get clogged up we need to clear them out so the lymph can properly flow in order to filter out the toxins we are exposed to daily. Lymphatic massage is helpful for those with edema, pre-op patients, and post-op patients. This feather light modality is performed without oil or creams. 

My Hot Stone Therapy is great for to revive tired muscles, increasing circulation, or for increasing relaxation.

Complimentary aromatherapy and hot towels. Lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, and orange are available upon request for mobile massage services.

Try peppermint scalp massage to ease headache tension; adds 10 minutes to the session.

Mobile MASSAGE services WITHIN 10 mile radius are available for an additional $15 to the service. Travel outside 10 mile radius is $15+ $1.50/mile. Must be an hour minimum service. 

Currently I am offering waxing and body sugaring services. Prices subject to change depending on hair and length.

Body Sugaring as defined by Sugar Streak is: "a 100% natural method of hair removal. Applied at body temperature, sugaring refines and diminishes hair. There are no strips, spatulas, or heat, leaving little-if any-irritation. Other benefits include ability to extract shorter hairs compared to waxing and it is water-soluble, therefore easy to remove residue. Prep includes cleanser and anti-bacterial spray, and powder. It is recommended that in order to receive best results:

- Have a minimum of 7 days hair growth

- Use nothing on the area to be sugared 48 hours before your service (no lotions, cream, serums, tanning, bubble baths).

I am happy to answer any questions about sugaring including aftercare.




Customized Therapeutic Massage$75 / 60 minutes
Customized Therapeutic Massage$85 / 75 minutes
Customized Therapeutic Massage$105 / 90 minutes
Customized Therapeutic Massage$140 / 120 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$70 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$95 / 90 minutes
Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD)$130 / 60 minutes
Peppermint Scalp Massage Add on$15 / 15 minutes
Swedish Massage$85 / 90 minutes
Swedish Massage$60 / 60 minutes
TMJ with Back, Neck , and Shoulders$115 / 90 minutes
Waxing/ Sugaring Half Back$20
Waxing/Full Face$35
Waxing/Sugaring Bikini (rate subject to change)$40
Waxing/Sugaring Brazilian (rate subject to change)$60
Waxing/Sugaring Butt Strip (rate subject to change)$25
Waxing/Sugaring Buttocks$40
Waxing/Sugaring Chest$30
Waxing/Sugaring Full Arm (rate subject to change)$40
Waxing/Sugaring Full Back (rate subject to change)$50
Waxing/Sugaring Full body (rate subject to change)$210
Waxing/Sugaring Full Leg (includes feet and toes if needed)$80
Waxing/Sugaring Half Arm (rate subject to change)$20
Waxing/Sugaring Half leg (rate subject to change)$40
Waxing/Sugaring Lower body (rate subject to change)$134
Waxing/Sugaring Underarms$30
Waxing/Sugaring Upper Lip$10
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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